2014 VOA Annual Meeting Held in Richmond, VA

Post date: Jul 06, 2014 1:33:28 AM

I really enjoyed this year's VOA Annual Meeting. Organized by Committee Chair Dr. Rick Lodwick, this year's event showcased many first-time (at least to me) speakers as well as bringing back crowd favorites. I have always benefited from attending these educational classes as a VOA member.

New (again, at least to me) this year was a formal dinner to honor this year's VOA award winners. For the past few years, awards were announced during the Annual Business Meeting, but this year's changed made me feel like the award winners really had a chance to enjoy their special moment. Many of this year's award winners are local affiliates!

Optometrist of the Year -- Dr. Robert Bass -- A personal mentor to me, Dr. Bass was the first person to instill in me the importance of being an active member of the VOA. His wise words: “If it is to be, it is up to me." We control the destiny of our profession!

Distinguished Achievement -- Dr. Fred Goldberg -- Another VOA mentor to me, Dr. Goldberg has educated me on the finer points of the Keyperson process. He has been a relentless advocate for optometry at all levels of government.

I was sworn in for another year on the Board of Trustees. I was really proud of myself during the induction ceremony. They tell you to raise your right hand and repeat after the speaker. As my husband will attest, I do tend to have troubles with my lefts and rights, but you will be happy to know that I raised my correct hand on the first try! Yippe!

Here are pics of our Affiliates and the Board. - jw