Affiliates Are Using Our Updated Exam Forms

Post date: Feb 17, 2013 4:23:28 PM

A few weeks ago, Dr. Holzman updated his NSAID protocol. He is now using Acular LS bid instead of Bromday bid. Joan and Nicole have been making announcements about this important change, and I uploaded our newest forms to OD Central under the Documents Section.

When prepping charts late last week for upcoming surgeries, I was so excited to see first two updated treatment sheets from referring Affiliates! So cool to see that Affiliates are incorporating those new forms into their system so quickly.

A big thank you goes out to Drs. Mark Livaditis and Anh-Thu Phan for switching over to the newest exam forms. It really makes life a lot easier as we prepare charts for surgery day. Let's keep this trend going! - jw