Dr. Ryan Odil

Post date: Oct 28, 2013 1:51:1 AM

This is going to make me sound really old, but I found Dr. Ryan Odil to be such a nice young man. He was so respectful of everyone in the office - both staff and patients - and his smile just would not stop. I was really impressed with how he interacted with patients. He helped me create a lot of excitement in the exam room for those preparing for their procedures, and that is a very unique, important skill to have, especially as a young practitioner.

One particular post-op patient that we saw together spoke fluent Russian. The patient had learned it through his work, not as a native language. I was telling Dr. Odil about how this patient and his friend, also a non-native speaker, we conversing in Russian one day with our patient counselor, Alina, who really is from Russia. I was really proud of myself from remembering this patient. Then, when we walked into the room together, do you know what Dr. Odil did?! I was in complete shock when Dr. Odil immediately started speaking Russian to our patient!

I figured out his trick to learning new languages. Dr. Odil does a lot of driving to commute to his different offices. While in the car, he listens to language tapes so that he can make use of his time. I once tried to do something similar, but I stopped when I got so involved in my book on CD that I almost rear-ended a car. - jw