Love This TLC Brochure for ODs

Post date: Feb 23, 2013 11:26:50 PM

This TLC brochure will be distributed to ODs attending SECO later this month. I completely LOVE it!

If you've been an active TLC Affiliate, then you don't need a brochure to tell you about all the things that TLC has done for the optometric profession. However, if you're new to TLC or want to get more involved with us, this is a WONDERFUL review of the ways that TLC has supported optometry, both within the company and for referring Affiliates.

Remember that TLC provides a solid CE Series throughout the year in each Center, supports organized optometry at the state and national levels, lives the co-management model every single day of the year, and helps your office staff build your refractive surgery co-management practice.

If you want to see the brochure in more detail, click here. - jw