TLC Tysons No Longer Offers VISX Laser Platform

Post date: Oct 16, 2016 2:51:3 AM

February 28, 2016

Our VISX and iFS lasers bid us farewell on this day.

As long-time Affiliates recall, Dr. Holzman has for many years had two laser platforms - the VISX and the WaveLight - to utilize for patient treatments. However, over the past few years, he has gravitated more and more toward the WaveLight system as his workhorse laser. It's done a fabulous job in helping our LVC patients. Recently, TLC decided to change all of it's laser centers over to WaveLight. The entire corporation changed to a laser platform that we'd be using all the while in Tysons! Wow! So awesome!

Part of the change was that we had to let our VISX and iFS lasers go. I really, really hope they were recycled and not just thrown away. You know how much I love to recycle! You can even see my recycling bin in the picture. - jw

Where our former laser system used to be in the OR: