Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest

Post date: Dec 26, 2014 8:27:33 PM

It was Lori who proposed having an Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest at the office this year. And, I think it was a hit!

I personally am a supreme procrastinator, so of course I didn't get my sweater skills going until the day before the contest. I went to the store to try to buy a sweater (lame?), but when I could not find one, I decided to make my own. Hot glue in hand, I went to it trying to craft a Christmas-y scene. However, I soon found that my sweater was more cute than ugly, so that's where my husband came to the rescue. He found me a bunch of random items from my crafts supply in the basement, and hard as it was for me to do it (I like order, not randomness), I glued them onto my sweater to create the best last-minute hot mess that I could put together.

Great job, team! - jw