VA TLC Centers to Sponsor Upcoming VOA Events

Post date: Aug 21, 2013 12:29:27 AM

Continuing its tradition, all three VA TLC Centers in Tysons Corner, Charlottesville, and Richmond are co-sponsoring upcoming VOA Events.

The VOA Fall Conference is open to registration now. It will be held Saturday - Sunday, October 19 - 20 at the Great Wolf Lodge in Williamsburg. TLC will be sponsoring the Saturday evening reception.

The VOA Voyages in Vision Conference is also open to registration now. It will be held Thursday - Sunday, November 7 - 10 in St. Thomas. TLC will be sponsoring the event. Dr. Holzman will also be presenting a four hours of CE on Saturday.

Additionally, I will be representing the VOA at the AOA Congressional Advocacy Conference on Tuesday - Wednesday, September 10 - 11. The AOA will be presenting classes on how to best work with our legislators to support the goals of optometry. We are always looking out for patient access to eye health care. - jw